17th Panhellenic Congress of Regional Anesthesia, Pain Therapy and Palliative Care


17th Panhellenic Congress of Regional Anesthesia, Pain Therapy and Palliative Care

Delfi, 13-16 ottobre 2016

The 17th Panhellenic Congress of Regional Anesthesia, Pain Therapy and Palliative Care will be held in 13–16 October 2016, at the European Cultural Centre of Delphi, Greece. The Congress is organized by the Hellenic Society of Pain Therapy and Palliative Care (PARHSYA),under the auspices of EuLAP in cooperation with ESRA Hellas (the Greek Section of the European Society of Regional Anaesthesia & Pain Therapy – ESRA) and the A' Anaesthesiology Clinic,Pain and Palliative Care Center of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece.
Following the footsteps of 16 successful Pan-Hellenic Scientific Meetings, taking place annually, during the past two decades, and continuing the existing tradition, the Congress Scientific Committee has worked hard and has prepared a Scientific Program, which is currently available online (http://regionalpainpalliativecongress2016.gr). This highly specialized Educational Program is a unique opportunity for Anesthesiologists and Pain Specialists from all over Greece to meet and discuss with distinguished foreign speakers, as well as to exchange views and experiences. The scientific standard of our Annual Congress has been established and is currently recognized as one of the meetings with special interest mostly attended in Greece, with more than 350 participants. The meeting is carrying a high rating by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education, with 17 Credit Hours.
The Scientific Program has been developed , and will focus on the fields of Acute & Chronic Pain Management, Regional Anaesthesia (RA), and Palliative Care. The program will enable participants to expand their knowledge basis and motivate them to incorporate new information into their individualized areas of practice. The breadth of the Program includes a wide range of state–of–the–art presentations (Lectures, Round Table Discussions, Satellite Symposia, and Free Papers & Posters), in an effort to provide delegates with an overview, as well as with new insights into basic science, clinical research and therapeutic interventions on the aforementioned fields of interest. In addition, various Hands–On Clinical Workshops and Case Scenaria Simulation with Tele–Voting Systems will take place, offering to participants the opportunity to familiarize with the newest or innovative RA Techniques on Acute & Chronic Pain Management Strategies, as well as to practice with the latest technology available. Moreover, Interactive Discussions will take place, with the participation of Representatives of Pain & Oncology Scientific Societies and Scientific Bodies, as well as Cancer Patients and related Volunteers Associations, on up to date topics, such as Societal Impact of Pain, Public Information & Awareness on Chronic Pain & End–of–Life Care and Resuscitation Decisions for End Stage Cancer Patients.
A distinguished national and international faculty has been involved. Among the impressive list of invited speakers, it is worth to mention S. Bosnjak (Research Professor from the Institute for Oncology and Radiology of Serbia), M. Franzini (Professor of Anaesthesiology in Italy & Pioneer in the Ozon Therapy in various Pain Conditions), B. Kinirons (Senior Consultant Anaesthesiologist from Ireland, Vice–President of the Irish RA Society & Honorary Secretary of the Irish College of Anaesthetists) & A. Yentur (Professor of Pain Management in Turkey, Chair of Turkish Section of WIP). In addition, Professor Eleni Glykatzi – Arveleur will give the Opening Lecture, focusing on Medicine as the Par Excellence Humanitarian Science.
In parallel with science, social events have also been planned, in order to give participants the opportunity to meet each other and enjoy themselves. The venue has been chosen by the organizers after careful thought, since the modern town of Delphi occupies an impressive site in the Greek mainland, on the south–western slope of Mount Parnassus, nearby an extensive archaeological site, which has been considered as the centre of the world by the ancient Greeks, as represented by the Omphalos an object of Hellenic religious symbolism and world centrality. Delphi is recognized by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site in having had a phenomenal influence in the Ancient world, as evidenced by the rich monuments built there by most of the important ancient Greek city – states, demonstrating their fundamental Hellenic Unity.
We do hope that participants will take advantage of the beneficial value of coming together with friends and colleagues from all over Greece and personally meet and learn from well–known Pain , RA as well as Palliative care specialists.
On Behalf of the Executive Board of PARHSYA
Athina Vadalouca,MD,PhD,FIPP
EuLAP Vice President
Chair of the Advisory Board of WIP
ESRA Past President

Website of the Congress 

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