Algos 2017 Rodi


Algos 2017 Rodi

Il Convegno internazionale Algos 2017 si svolgerà a Rodi dal 25 al 28 maggio 2017.
L'evento è patrocinato dal World Institute of Pain e dalla European League against Pain EuLAP®.

Dear Colleagues,
It is our great pleasure to invite you all, to ALGOS 2017, which will be held on May 25- 28, at the island of Rhodes.
Rhodes, is the largest island of a complex of Greek islands, known as the Dodecanese, the meeting point of the three continents, Europe-Asia and Africa. Rhodes is the brilliant island of the sun, full of contradictions, the island of knights, medieval, traditional and modern at the same time and we hope that you will have time to spend exploring the wonderful treasures that Rhodes has to offer.
ALGOS 2017 will be a good opportunity to put together an impressive scientific program with well known specialists from all over the world, that will best fulfill our mission of promoting education in Pain and Palliative Medicine.
Following the footsteps of the previous successful meetings, such as "ALGOS 2002" in Santorini, "ALGOS 2009" in Mykonos, "ALGOS 2013" in Kos, we trust that ALGOS 2017 will be another memorable Symposium.
Looking forward to welcome you in Rhodes,

The Presidents of the Organizing Committee
A. Vadalouca, K. Vissers, G. Varrassi, S. Erdine

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