Manage Pain Mosca 2016



Manage Pain, Moscow 2016

Convegno internazionale a Mosca dal 17 al 19 novembre

Nell'ambito del convegno è stato organizzato un programma dedicato ai partecipanti provenienti da vari Paesi Europei.


The European League against Pain (EULAP®), the Russian Association for the Study of Pain (RASP) and the Interdisciplinary Medicine Association (IMA) are proud to announce 6th International Multidisciplinary Congress «Manage Pain» which will be held in Moscow, Russia, November 17-19, 2016.
«Manage pain» aims to disseminate the knowledge continuously provided by various pain institutions and associations and to stimulate network building among pain scientists and pain clinicians in Europe.
The Scientific Program Committee is planning a program that will cover different aspects of modern pain science and medicine including
Bio-psychosocial approach to pain management
Pharmacotherapy of pain
Minimally invasive interventions for pain management
High tech devices in pain management
Neuropathic pain
Nociceptive pain
Dysfunctional pain
Oncological pain
Chronic pain
Genetics and pain
Culture and pain
Food, drinks and pain
Patient education in pain management
Communication skills in pain management

In addition to participating in a stimulating scientific event, you may also find the opportunity to see a little of Russia.We encourage and welcome everyone with an interest in pain to take part and strongly believe that you will benefit from attending this congress in Moscow.

Alexey Danilov
Conference Coordinator

Scientific Programme for foreign participants
Time and place: 17-19 November 2016, Moscow
Radisson Royal Hotel, Congress Park, Moscow
Legendary hotel with great history and famous architecture

Fondazione Paolo Procacci onlus

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