Lipid Disorders and Cardiovascular Risk: A Comprehensive Analysis of Current Perspectives

The increasing worldwide prevalence of cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) highlights the need to understand the complex relationships between lipid abnormalities and elevated cardiovascular risk. This review thoroughly investigates the complex terrain of lipid abnormalities, highlighting their crucial significance in developing CVDs. Dyslipidemia, which is closely connected to atherosclerosis, is a significant risk factor for CVDs, including coronary artery disease, myocardial infarction, and stroke. This review thoroughly examines the intricate relationship between lipoproteins, cholesterol metabolism, and the inflammatory cascade, providing a detailed comprehension of the mechanisms that contribute to atherogenic processes. An extensive analysis of the occurrence and distribution of lipid diseases worldwide indicates a concerning high frequency, which calls for a reassessment of public health approaches. Dyslipidemia is caused by a combination of genetic predispositions, lifestyle factors, and metabolic abnormalities, as supported by significant data. Moreover, investigating different types of lipoproteins and their specific functions in the development of atherosclerosis provides insight into the complex causes of CVDs. In addition to conventional lipid profiles, newly identified biomarkers and advanced imaging techniques are being carefully examined for their ability to improve risk classification and treatment strategies' effectiveness. From a critical perspective, the review thoroughly examines the current state of lipid-modifying medicines, specifically statins, fibrates, and new therapeutic approaches. The text discusses the emerging concept of precision medicine, which involves tailoring treatment approaches to individuals based on their genetic and molecular characteristics. This approach has the potential to improve treatment outcomes. In addition, this study critically assesses the effects of lifestyle changes and nutritional interventions on lipid homeostasis, offering a comprehensive view of preventive strategies. This review consolidates current viewpoints on lipid diseases and their complex correlation with cardiovascular risk. This review contributes to the ongoing cardiovascular disease prevention and management dialogue by clarifying the molecular mechanisms, exploring new therapeutic options, and considering broader societal implications.

Wazir M, Olanrewaju O A, Yahya M, Varrassi G et al. (December 31, 2023) Lipid Disorders and Cardiovascular Risk: A Comprehensive Analysis of Current Perspectives. Cureus 15(12): e51395. doi:10.7759/cureus.51395

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